The constitution awareness program- “Know Your Constitution” happened on 19th of January 2023, from 01.30pm to 3.30pm, at ET Lab of BNVCTE. Mr. Ajay Krishna, Ms. Anju and Ms. Akhila- research scholars from B R Ambedkar Chair of University Law Department took the sessions, in the same order, dealing different aspects of Constitution and important Acts.


Welcome Board for the programme 

During the first session, Mr.Ajay Krishna discussed various Debates of Constitutional Assembly, Preamble, Universal Adult Franchise, Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961 and Indecent representation of women’s Act- 1986. While briefing about the debates, the entire process of constitution formation was discussed. Important people of the Constitution Assembly, how Indian Constitution framework was influenced by other countries was also talked about. While discussing the adult franchise, an important question about exclusion of economically insolvent categories from voting rights was asked by Sabira, a student from First Year Bed. Mr. Ajay replied by saying such are some important aspects that needs to be further clarified in the constitution, as the time changes.

 The second session, handled by Ms. Anju dealt with Right to Equality, Protection Against Arrest and Detention, Fundamental Duties, Protection of women against domestic violence and Sexual Harassment at work place Act. The session proved very interactive since the majority of audience were women and the topics were related to either their present or future. Athulya, Sruthi and Vidya came up with very important queries on what laws are applicable in case of some specific scenarios.

 Mr. Ajay Krishna leading the session

Ms. Akhila’s session was about Right to Freedom, Directive Principles of State Policy, Anti-Drug’s Act and POCSO Act. The session was very informative but limited due to time constraints. While discussing POCSO Act, Ms. Akhila shed light on some of the recent cases and how the law has effectively helped in tackling them. She also mentioned the importance and validity of Directive Principles of State Policy in present day.

 After the sessions, Vote of Thanks was delivered by Ms. Sabira from First Year B.Ed.



Ms. Anju leading the session, Ms. Akhila leading the session

 Ms. Sabira delivering vote of thanks


Interactive sessions


The entire session was much appreciated on it’s relevance and accuracy by both teachers and students alike. Not only did it became a stage for knowledge transfer, but also for doubt clarification. The participants infact demanded a longer session, or another indetail session of the same genre. Scholars were all well informed and ready to conscientize the crowd on some valid problems the society face today and how they are tackled constitutionally. Such programs are expected in the future aswell.


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