MCQ - EDU 02- Developmental perspectives of the learner
1. Ways in which a person solves the main problem of his life in relation to his natural and social environment
a. Adjustment
b. Maladjustment
c. Intelligence
d. Creativity
Ans- adjustment
2. A state of tension brought in by the presence of two opposite desires in the individual
a. Conflict
b. Frustration
c. Repression
d. Projection
And- conflict
3. Which of the following is not a stage in creative process
a. Preparation
b. Incubation
c. Analysis
d. Verification
Ans- analysis
4. The method of problem solving by reviewing it from a fresh angle, or lateral thinking, was first proposed by
a. Edward de bono
b. Osborn
c. Gordon prince
d. Drevdahl
Ans- Edward de bono
5. Which of the following is a hindrance to fostering creativity?
a. Providing freedom to respond
b. Giving opportunity for ego involvement
c. Partiality of parents
d. Exhibiting role models
Ans- -partiality of parents
Father of behaviourism
a. William james
b. William wundt
c. Jb Watson
d. Rs Woodworth
Ans- j b Watson
2. General psychology and para psychology are branches of
a. Applied psychology
b. Pure psychology
c. Clinical psychology
d. legal psychology
ans- pure psychology
3. which of the following is a positive of educational psychology
a. not exactly a science
b. generalization possibility is limited
c. results are more variable and less reliable
d. caters to individual differences
ans- caters to individual differences
4. educational psychology belongs to which branch of psychological study
a. Applied psychology
b. Pure psychology
c. Clinical psychology
d. legal psychology
ans- applied psychology
5. Concepts of psychology like classroom climate and group dynamics comes under
which of these?
a. Learner
b. Teacher
c. Learning situation
d. Teaching situation
Ans- learning situation
6. Which of this is a basic element of development?
a. Gender
b. Maturation
c. Attitude
d. Formal education
ans- maturation
a. Linear
b. Spiral
c. unpredictable
d. toe- head
Ans- spiral
8. Gender identification is a feature of which of the following stages of development
a. infancy
b. early childhood
c. later childhood
d. young adulthood
ans- early childhood
9. Scientific reason is the goal of which stage of jean piaget’s developmental stage?
a. Sensorimotor
b. Preoperational
c. Concrete operational
d. Formal operational
Ans- formal operational
10. What are schemas?
a. Building blocks of cognitive models
b. Building blocks of language models
c. Building blocks of brain development
d. Building blocks of emotional wellbeing
Ans- building block of cognitive development
11. General Factors are
a. Acquired from environment
b. Specific in nature
c. Can be modified
d. Inborn and innate
Ans- inborn and innate
12. Which theory is also called anarchic theory?
a. Two factor theory
b. Multi factor theory
c. Group factor theory
d. Multiple intelligence theory
Ans- multi factor theory
13. Frames of Mind is a work of,
a. Howard Gardner
b. E L Thorndike
d. Guilford
Ans- Howard Gardner
14. Which of the following is a parameter of analysis as per Guilford?
a. Operations
b. Existence Intelligence
c. Word Fluency
d. Specific Factor
Ans- Operations
15. Fear, Anger, Disgust, Lust and Appetite are part of which intelligence?
a. Social
b. Spiritual
c. Emotional
d. Mathematical
Ans- emotional
16. Pick out the point which is a character of personality
a. Developed in alternative stage of development
b. common in every individual
c. Functions as a whole
d. Product of heredity only
Ans- functions as a whole
17. Etymology of personality is derived from ‘persona’, which means
a. Open book
b. Alternative
c. Mask
d. Individual
18. Human personality is mathematically analyzable and is quanitfiable
a. Type approach
b. Trait approach
c. Psycho analytic approach
d. Developmental approach
Ans- trait approach
19. Blood, yellow bile, phlegm and black bile are the classifications under which
a. Kretschmer’s classification
b. Hippocrate’s classification
c. Sheldon’s classification
d. Jung’s classification
Ans- hippocrate’s classification
a. Cattell
b. Allport
c. Eysenck
d. Sigmund freud
Ans- allport