Weekly Reflection of Teaching Practise - Week 4 (November 27- December 01 2023)
By the fourth week of teasing practice we are almost as if we are unemployee of the school itself. The teachers and the students are also treating us just that way. From morning 8 o'clock when the first bus arrives till evening 4:30 when the last bus leave, we are assigned different activities and duties throughout the school timing. Even though we are a little bit exhausted, we are also enjoying it to the maximum, since this is one of the few opportunities we can have where we can experience the school settings before getting an actual teaching job.
I finished my third chapter and started with the fourth chapter during this week. The election and democracy chapter had only one more small portions left in it. That was done with by Monday itself.
The next one I had to start is a good geography portion which is also a little bit vast. It deals with population related concepts settlements, and migration concepts with special regard to the Indian setting. Generally geography portions are where teacher training make more teaching aids to show in the classroom. But this portion is more about facts and stories and ICT based teaching aids than the regular cardboard or model type aidS.
I have finished the population density, population growth, migration concepts and started with the settlement related concepts of the chapter. Even though the chapter looked very vast at the beginning, when I started dealing with it I came to understand that the concepts that are talked within r very small and needs little explanation when we use more aids.
Since a few weeks have been already past students look more manageable and classroom has become more like my own. My conference is also boosting up.