Weekly Reflection of Teaching Practise - Week 6 (December 11- December 12 2023)
Week 6, which can actually not be called an entire week since there was only 2 days, give me an opportunity to same a prayer at the school assembly. My portions are already over and the revision was also being done. The term model exams which can also be called the Christmas exams is starting tomorrow and hence we were asked to return to our colleges by tuesday itself. After doing revisions for the first two days, I have tried my best to give all the previous year questions and their answers to the students and have had them note them down in there note books for reference.
On 12th of December 2023 the school was functional only till 12:30 p.m. as the next day were the examination days. But since we are teacher training and considered a part of the faculty team we were asked to stay back till the regular school hours.
After informing the school headmistress that we will be back on the new year we all left for our college.