
Showing posts from December, 2023

(Video ) Mappila Song Recitation: presented for ഹർഷം 2023- Residential Camp

  ഹർഷം 2023 was the residential camp, conducted as part of the B.Ed curricular activities, at BNVCTE Thiruvallam. I was fortunate enough to be a part of the Team Varsham (വർഷം) . We presentedour cultural activities on 21st of December 2023.  For the cultural activities, I presented a mappila song recitation. The video that was presented is attached hereby.  

(Video) ചുരുളഴിയാത്ത രഹസ്യങ്ങൾ : presented for ഹർഷം 2023- Residential Camp

ഹർഷം 2023 was the residential camp, conducted as part of the B.Ed curricular activities, at BNVCTE Thiruvallam. I was fortunate enough to be a part of the Team Varsham (വർഷം) . We presentedour cultural activities on 21st of December 2023.  For the cultural activities, I presented a 'special segment'- ചുരുളഴിയാത്ത രഹസ്യങ്ങൾ , which had some funny nuances of camp happenings.  Here, attached is the video that was presented.

Weekly Reflection of Teaching Practise - Week 6 (December 11- December 12 2023)

Week 6, which can actually not be called an entire week since there was only 2 days, give me an opportunity to same a prayer at the school assembly. My portions are already over and the revision was also being done. The term model exams which can also be called the Christmas exams is starting tomorrow and hence we were asked to return to our colleges by tuesday itself. After doing revisions for the first two days, I have tried my best to give all the previous year questions and their answers to the students and have had them note them down in there note books for reference. On 12th of December 2023 the school was functional only till 12:30 p.m. as the next day were the examination days. But since we are teacher training and considered a part of the faculty team we were asked to stay back till the regular school hours. After informing the school headmistress that we will be back on the new year we all left for our college.

Weekly Reflection of Teaching Practise - Week 5 (December 04- December 08 2023)

Our teaching practice face one is divided into two parts due to the rigorous 3rd semester schedule of b.Ed curriculum as prescribed by the University of Kerala. For the same reason this was our full last Friday week of part 1. During this week we also conducted a consentisation program based on gender equality. During this week I had very little classes as my portions for this term are already over. I had only two classes to take before I finished the term portions and they were dealth with by Monday itself. The school general body student election was also conducted on Monday and I could encourage one of my class student to participate in it. As a social science teacher and someone has done with the chapter that goes about the election and democracy, I was fortunate enough to make my students experience the process in detail when the election was conducted at school. On Tuesday we contacted a concentration program on gender equality for higher secondary section of the school. The prog...

Weekly Reflection of Teaching Practise - Week 4 (November 27- December 01 2023)

By the fourth week of teasing practice we are almost as if we are unemployee of the school itself. The teachers and the students are also treating us just that way. From morning 8 o'clock when the first bus arrives till evening 4:30 when the last bus leave, we are assigned different activities and duties throughout the school timing. Even though we are a little bit exhausted, we are also enjoying it to the maximum, since this is one of the few opportunities we can have where we can experience the school settings before getting an actual teaching job. I finished my third chapter and started with the fourth chapter during this week. The election and democracy chapter had only one more small portions left in it. That was done with by Monday itself. The next one I had to start is a good geography portion which is also a little bit vast. It deals with population related concepts settlements, and migration concepts with special regard to the Indian setting. Generally geography portions a...